Vitamix’s manual dictates that you use the high-speed setting because blending thick materials like nut butter at low speeds can cause your motor to overheat. Pecan Cashew Butter is one of the easiest nut butters to make the pecans and cashews practically melt in the food processor.

Use the tamper to continuously push down on the cashews, particularly in the corners, to speed things up.

You’ll have to use the tamper in the Vitamix if you don’t want to waste time scraping down the sides.We used melted coconut oil but you can actually use any oil. The flavor is also really good with roasted cashews. Roasted cashews process into a nut butter much more easily than raw cashews. The easiest and best tasting option is to use roasted and salted cashews. In a similar note, be sure that your blender or food processor is bone dry, so you don’t introduce any moisture to it. Ingredient Notes Roasted and salted cashew nuts.Adding water will cause the nut butter to seize up, and it can’t be saved. Do not be tempted to add water or oil during the process of blending.Stir in your honey after the cashew butter has finished processing if you desire. The moisture will cause your butter to be lumpy and not blend smoothly. Do not add any liquid-based ingredients, such as honey or syrup.Your mixture will look sandy and lump together like a ball at the beginning, but not to worry, keep processing, and the cashews will soon turn into nut butter.When done, transfer to an airtight container.

Transfer the nuts to a blender or food processor and start blending it, scraping down the sides as needed.